Sunday, January 23, 2005

Goodbye, Johnny...


                                     John William Carson 1925-2005

I heard tonight that Johnny Carson passed away, and it was like losing my father---the real Jack, before the strokes---all over again. The Tonight Show is one of the fondest memories of my father. Every night, I would hear the familiar "Heeeeeere's JOHNNY!", and I would know that my dad was sitting in his recliner--a glass of cornbread and milk and some fresh chopped onion in his lap--and all was right and as it should be. Of course, I didn't know it is just the familiarity of it that gives me that peaceful feeling now. My father thought Johnny Carson was a god. He would laugh so hard he would lose his father was a lot like Mr. Carson...perfect timing, killer smile, awesome sense of humor. I grew up with that show on the TV. Even after his strokes, my father continued to watch The Tonight Show faithfully, and when he would giggle you could sometimes catch a glimpse of the youthful Jack in there somewhere...

Rest in peace, Johnny...and hunt my father down and sit with him a while. He'll pour you a scotch and be good for a few laughs...


Anonymous said...

that made me really sad too. A part of our past is gone.

Anonymous said...

Great entry, brought back memories of my grandfather :)

Anonymous said...

I wrote in Walk today about  when I think of Johnny...I think of how he delighted my dad.  Maybe the three of them (your dad, my dad and Johnny) are enjoying a good laugh together right now.  I hope so.

Anonymous said...

C,  What an absolutely beautiful entry.  It was so well-written, touching and just so special.  Your dad would be proud.   Nancy

Anonymous said...

I love Johnny and that is so sad....

Anonymous said...

Nice tribute, loved the comment about hunting your Dad down, pretty funny.  Neat too!

Anonymous said...

This tribute is perfect, C. Sending you a big hug. ~A.

Anonymous said...

Johnny had an odd sense of humor; something that I am quite used to in my family. I can recall spending weekends at my granddad's house, watching Johnny late at night...or was it early morning? Anyway, I would laugh with my sister and cousin, laying in the floor of the living room on a pallet. It's a memory ingrained in my mind forever....and what a good memory it is.