Copper Sphere... just thought it was kinda cool.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
January Full Moon
On the rise... sorry so grainy, major crop.
And going down the next morning... just before sunrise.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Jet Stream?
Wicked looking wintry clouds gather over Oxford.... something ICY this way comes. We are under a winter storm warning reference ice and sleet tonight. I AM in the SOUTH, yes? Hmph. Better put the 'lectric blankie back on the bed.... Anyway, an awesome wind started blowing this morning, and by the afternoon it was doing wicked things to the clouds. Please excuse the power line, but I was next to the interstate. Had the Mother in tow, and she was ready to get home... hehehe No finagling around to get a better shot today.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Eternal Mother
Eternal Mother.... a local statue that I have adored for years.
Time and neglect have taken their toll on her, but look past the grime. She is beautiful. The fact that she stands in the same cemetary where my father and sister are buried helps with the visitation. After visiting them on special days, I always pay homage to the mother.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Just One o' the Guys...
Corey, one of our third shift thin blue line... hiding out in dispatch for a minute to enjoy a little "bought air" during the cold snap. It was nice and toasty inside, and -5 (with wind chill) outside. We had a lot of visitors this night...
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Still Cold...
A little warmer today, but still right chilly!!! At least the wind is not gale force anymore, it makes a biiiig difference...
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Goodbye, Johnny...
John William Carson 1925-2005
I heard tonight that Johnny Carson passed away, and it was like losing my father---the real Jack, before the strokes---all over again. The Tonight Show is one of the fondest memories of my father. Every night, I would hear the familiar "Heeeeeere's JOHNNY!", and I would know that my dad was sitting in his recliner--a glass of cornbread and milk and some fresh chopped onion in his lap--and all was right and as it should be. Of course, I didn't know it is just the familiarity of it that gives me that peaceful feeling now. My father thought Johnny Carson was a god. He would laugh so hard he would lose his father was a lot like Mr. Carson...perfect timing, killer smile, awesome sense of humor. I grew up with that show on the TV. Even after his strokes, my father continued to watch The Tonight Show faithfully, and when he would giggle you could sometimes catch a glimpse of the youthful Jack in there somewhere...
Rest in peace, Johnny...and hunt my father down and sit with him a while. He'll pour you a scotch and be good for a few laughs...
OK, it is COLD in Alabama.... not 22" inch BLIZZARD cold, mind you---but cold, nonetheless. My thin blood is not used to 13 degree nights with 25mph wind (35-40mph gusts)....isn't that supposed to be about---ohhhh---5 or 6 states north of here? Oh wait, it is....they just have the 22" of snow to go along with it...hope you guys are staying warm up there!!! P/S: my feet are FREEZING!!! :::::::grrrr, i hate that:::::::::
Friday, January 21, 2005
Cause ya can't get enough of those red hats...
The entire Chapter of the Diamonds in Red minus one... mom's friend, and group member, Faye couldn't make it this day because of prior commitments.
She missed out on lots of giggles and crazy stares... this group turns heads and raises eyebrows wherever it may venture. That was pretty much my favorite part in tagging along, watching general America's reaction. It is hilarious....
Carolyn... she is pretty much who I hung out with all day. She is just NOT CORRECT...and I love that!~ <eg>
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Silo Barn
What's left of an old silo barn... this used to be one of many barns used on what was an awesome plantation at one time. Now the homeowner that is left is very elderly, and the property is just falling down. The grounds are still gorgeous though, and I love the rustic colors on this old structure.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Sunday, January 16, 2005
The Mother's camelia bush is in full bloom.... during some of the coldest temps we've had in Alabama. (Yes, I know the people in the north are saying "Wah. Yeah, it gets really cold down there..." LOL!) Not supposed to bloom out until February, but it is all acolor right now. I am grateful for it's beauty in the DEAD of winter, because there is hardly any colorful vegetation around right now. :::sigh::: This is my least favorite time of year, but these flowers have really made me look forward to spring!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Introducing Tinkerbell (Tink for short)... Hope and her mommy got a special Christmas gift this year from a neighbor....a little chihuahua pup. She is fiesty to be so little, and cute as a button!
Having your picture taken makes you sooooo tired.....
Taken in mommy's lap (entranced by the cellphone ringtone), to show how itty bitty she really is...
Monday, January 10, 2005
Last night, westbound on US 78, but still inside the city limits... I noticed all the planes departed, and a few departing. Made for a beautiful sunset, and an unbelievable longing to be on one of them---going anywhere. Have you ever hit that point in your year where you wish you were anywhere but where you are....doing anything but what you are doing? Well, it must be my time of year. I have that gnawing deep in my chest...I feel like my wheels are forever spinning...and spinning....and...
What's more... my horoscope:
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your imagination is stirring up new recipes now, for what is normally just escapism or fantasy can take on a very real tone. In fact, it may be difficult for you to separate the fruits of your labors from the fruitloops of your own irrational fears and longings. Rely on friends and associates to give you the reality checks that you need for the next month.
Friends? Associates? Family? Reality check, anyone??? Unrequited wanting makes for a miserable Gator. <sigh> This too shall pass.....such is life. Fruitloops, anyone?
*Update on this entry.... Leave it to Conz to eat up those fruitloops for me. Her family is enduring a really hard hard time is nothing next to this...absolutely nothing. Thanks for shaking me back to reality, Connie...I love you. I am praying for that precious child. C
Sunday, January 9, 2005
Hope, my goddaughter, modeling her new outfit... <sigh> she's getting big. She's getting older. She's talking about BOYFRIENDS and such. She's turning into a little knockout. Scarlett, are you SEEING this?
This child has had my heart since a crisp September day eight years ago. She taught me how to love. She taught me how to be a better person. She taught me humility. She taught me how to love someone more than myself. All that in a single breath. Thank you, Hope. I love you. "Tistie"
Saturday, January 8, 2005
Stuff of Legends
The Legend of Noccalula....
The Legend of Noccalula as written by Mathilde Bilbro says, "Long ago, on a mountain summit within sight and sound of a rushing waterfall, lived a great Indian Chief whose young daughter, Noccalula, was famed far and wide for her beauty and loveliness of character.
Many gallant braves sought the hand of Noccalula, but the girl's father favored only one: a rich chief of a powerful neighboring tribe, who had much to offer in exchange.
Noccalula vainly pleaded that her heart was already given to a young brave of her own tribe. But this young warrior, though noted for his skill and valor, possessed little in worldly goods.
The old chief refused to listen and ordered his daughter to make ready for the marriage he had arranged. The girl's lover was driven from the tribe, and a marriage agreement was made with the neighboring chief.
The wedding day came and a great fest was prepared. In silence Noccalula allowed herself to be arrayed in festive wedding robes.
Overcome with grief, she quietly slipped away from the merrymakers during the festivities. The soft rhythmical rush of waters called her. A moment later she stood poised upon the brink of the yawning chasm. One leap and her troubles were over.
Heartbroken, the remorseful father gave the great cataract his daughter's name, and since that day the falls has been called Noccalula."
Noccalula Falls---Gadsden, Alabama
P/S.... I surpassed the 15,000 hit mark today, and since that seems to be a monumental number here (kinda like hitting 40 yrs old??? hehe).... yay me!!
Thursday, January 6, 2005
Photo Friday--Silhouette
I haven't participated in a photo Friday in a while... thought I would post this one. The theme is Silhouette.
Hehehe...New kind of profiling? want to know what is really sad? The Glencoe Police Department actually put this sign up themselves. :::::::::sigh:::::::::::
Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Happy Birthday, Conz!
Hi Mommy Conz (IndigoSunMoon)! Happy Birthday from my hammy self and all of the other furbabies! The humans luuuuuv you, too....ahem, but not near as much as we do. Charlotte and the Gang
Monday, January 3, 2005
January Sunset
The weather has been unbelievable here... almost like spring instead of January. Temps in the upper 60's allowed me to stay out until almost dark and enjoy the first days of the year. This was one of the results.
Sunday, January 2, 2005
Cascades Falls
Frontal view of the falls in the Cascades Atrium of Opryland Hotel. I slept with my balcony door open to the sounds of these was as relaxing as hearing the incoming surf on the beach. Wonderful.
Saturday, January 1, 2005
Opryland Hotel
Opryland Hotel, northeast of downtown heaven.... ie, Nashville, Tennessee. View from Cascades room 234. Happy New Year, all!!!!