Happy Monday, all... heading out to Atlanta today with my friend, CL. She is very sick. If you would, please send well wishes her way as we trek to the next state over in hopes of finding an answer to the medical problems that we can't seem to find here. Much, much appreciated. C
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Best in Show...LOL
Winner of the local costume contest and my co-worker in flourescent hell, Sherry.
Happy Trick or Treat!
Hope's punkins.....the real thing....AND----
The not-so-real-thing....Happy and safe Trick or Treating to everyone that is going tonight....
Friday, October 29, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Portrait of a Friend's Day Out
Scarlett, fishing with her digital pole. I chose this photo to post, out of all the photos I took of you the other day, because it totally embodies the mood of those few hours. Face still hurt from grinning? Stomach still hurt from laughing? Yeah, mine too. This was an out of the way place back behind Coleman Lake. Actually, it is the run-off area for the man-made dam.
Bet's in PETA-friendly fishing action with her baited digi cam. This was concentration at its most intense. (I actually think she CAUGHT that fish...) <grin> And neither of us fell in! haha
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
October Moon
Clouds blocked the view of tonight's lunar eclipse. Bummer. I went to Beth and Hope's house for dinner, and to deliver and set up Hope's new (but old, an heirloom antique from our family history) bed. She adores it. We sat out in the yard and watched much of the eclipse, got to see about half of it before clouds blocked our view. Hopefully, someone got a great shot of it and will post it somewhere in J-land.
This moon was rising over Piedmont last night as Betty (better known as Scarlett) and I ended our festive day of trekking around in the woods, the water, and old cemetaries. It was the cap on a GREAT day. Thanks, Bets, for an unforgettable day of grins 'n giggles---the kind that only the oldest of friends can have. It needs to happen more often. Love You!!!
Monday, October 25, 2004
Taking a break from the colors with one of my favorite subjects. These two were positively precious together.
Misty Morning
I had to swing onto 3rd shift one day last week (can't remember which one now...blurrrrrrr), and this is the view I was treated with on my 7am ride home. It was overcast and looked as if it could rain at any moment---totally grey---but this field was still bright with fall colors. It was a very peaceful end to a long night.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Friday, October 22, 2004
The only thing I didn't like about my trip into the woods yesterday was the fact that it was overcast, and the leaves didn't glow like they would have had the sun been hitting them...and the water kinda looks darker than usual. But the scenery was breathtaking, nevertheless. This was one of many birdhouses nestled on the island shores around Coleman Lake. Almost got that fish jumping outta the water, too....just a couple secs faster.... oh well. I have proof he was there---or was that Jason?? (ch-ch-ch-ch...ah-ah-ah-ah...)
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I went to a very beloved spot today to take in some fall color and soak up some nature. It is part of the Talladega National Forest, and it encompasses miles and miles of criss-crossing dirt roads that go deep into the woods. No traffic. I passed one other truck in a period of about 5 hours. It was wonderful. The trees are on fire this year...tons of color.
First stop was Pine Glenn, a primitive hunter's camp with a stream that runs the perimeter. It was gorgeous.
Next, I cranked into the Sweetwater Lake area. It is straight down from the top of the mountain, and made for a 4 wheel drive (it IS graded, but the hills are such that instead of going straight down, you go down, hit a high spot, go down some more. This road is not made for those with no ground clearance.) It was waaaaaaaaaay fun. And the view at the bottom was spectacular. The ride back UP was even MORE fun. Needless to say, the new truck was broken in and totally earned its keep today. I had a blast.
Last stop on the itinerary was Coleman Lake. This is somewhat less primitive, has paved areas and many hiking trails. Many people come there for the equestrian campground, complete with areas for the horses around the campsites. This place was breathtaking. I decided to take the hike from the beach area to the small falls, which pretty much goes around the perimeter of about half the lake. It is about an hour hike. It was totally refreshing, I got lots of great photos.
Then I got back to my truck in the parking area. There, in the truckbed, was this dog.
I said, "Ok, pup....out of my truck and back to your......" My tailgate was down. (I didn't leave it down....) There was a bag of dogfood in the truck. Somebody dumped this German Shepard in the back of my truck and left. Ya know, they could've at least left a note with her name.
She is well trained, very sweet, and starving to death. She had torn into the cheap bag of food that was left, but her poor teeth are pretty bad. The vet said she was anywhere from 7-9 years old. She is scarred, has a knarled beaten-up ear, and a broken canine tooth. She looks as if she was used for breeding, then tossed when she got to old to bring in any income (just my guess). I knew I couldn't keep her, so I decided to drive herto the shelter. It is CLOSED on Wednesdays. Hmmmm. So I took her to the feed store, gave her a bath, got her some food and chewies, and now she is taking up my entire bed. (grrrrr).
On a happy ending note, I found a German Shepard Rescue group, and they will be able to take her until she is placed. Her spot will be ready in about a week. Until then, the wog and kitties will be hating me, and my sleeping arrangements will be somewhat cramped. Oh well, such is life....
Photos of fall colors coming up later.........
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Happy Early Birthday, Mom
One of the Mother's beautiful plants....received at her party:
The whole clan got together for a family reunion last Saturday....and unbeknownst to the Mother---a SURPRISE birthday party. My job was to get her there kinda late (and anyone who knows me, knows that this was NOT hard for me to do <grin>). It went off without a hitch. She was beaming, more so than I have seen her since my father died. I don't think I have seen her smile that much in almost two years. The rest of the family and extended families had a wonderful time as well. Since it was held at the FOP lodge, the sight of many of my co-horts get togethers for "UNWINDING"...it was familiar. I sat outside mostly, staring at the lake and trying not to spread my crud around to anyone else (I felt so bad I did not even take my camera...anyone who knows me knows that means I didn't feel well AT ALL).
Luckily, my pro photographer aunt was there, and got plenty of memorable snaps. She took all the photos in the collage below (all of my mom grinning....and of course my favorite was thrown in for good measure---my nephew Edward and his son, Nick. The emotion captured in these is just.......I love these pictures!!!)
Above photos courtesy of Marianne Venegoni © 2004
A HUGE shout out and hugs to my aunts and cousin for organizing this get-together. It was much, much appreciated. You did an AWESOME job!!! Thank you SO MUCH. I love you.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Friday, October 15, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
This gem is Lauren...another grandchild of my co-worker, Gail. Man, but she has a gorgeous family... I drove north about 20 miles to meet with them and take some photos of Lauren and her mom, who is due to have a C-section Thursday (ah yes, another baby!!!). This was a pretty festive day, too...I just love this woman's family.
Lauren and her mom. Aren't they precious???
Monday, October 11, 2004
Welcome to Ella Grace
This is Mandy's newest addition--Ella Grace (little sissie to Ethan). I know, I know, she isn't BRAND NEW anymore, but this is the first chance I have had to actually relax and take a couple of photos of her for her Mimi. The subject of her grins is Daddy, who is holding her in both of these....she is very, very sweet.
As you can see, I had a wonderful baby-filled day today....lotsa smiles all around. They are blessed with a beautiful, healthy family. And I am blessed to know them.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Rolling Hills
Farm set in a rolling countryside of pastureland in southern Tennessee (near Fayetteville, Lincoln county).
Saturday, October 9, 2004
Ethan, with his ball.... I just can't get enough of this sweet kid. Check out those eyes! He's gonna be quite the ladies man in a few....
Thursday, October 7, 2004
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Two Sides of Daybreak
From my front porch....
and halfway to work, with mountians growing behind me. The sky was on FIRE this morning. It was beautiful, and I was close to being late to work because I stopped to watch the sun rise over this hill...
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
I got some much needed playtime in recently at a local municipal park with two of my favorite little people: Shelby Dawn and Timothy (my adopted niece and nephew). Grins and giggles all around, this was a good day...
Monday, October 4, 2004
The Bear
Snapshot of Hannah, my chow. Her nickname is Bear. She is all fuzzy and fresh after a bath in this photo. She has a lot more white on her face this year, she's getting to be an old girl....
Sunday, October 3, 2004
Autumn Barn
I loved the colors in the field in front of this barn...very fall-like. It looked like a painting to me. The barn is located on an old one-lane road in south Tennessee.
Happy Birthday, Hope!
Few things make me grin like this smile does....Happy 9th Birthday to my Goddaughter, Hope! These were taken at her birthday pajama party. I loves ya, freckleface!!!
Saturday, October 2, 2004
Mom in her Hat...
"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me...."--Jenny Joseph
The mother had a red hat luncheon today, and I managed to drag out of bed early enough to grab a couple of pictures of our 'Diamonds in Red'. The Diamonds went to a small tea parlor and then went craft shopping. She had a blast, of course.
These are the Diamond founders: mom, her friend Faye, and my Aunt Shirley (yes, the aunt with the wicked cool green thumb!). The only hitch in the plan was that the Mother's purple shirt (with red hat iron on, of course) was lacking half of its appliques, so she compromised with a plaid (i think her words were "dammit, dammit, dammit!"). Unbeknownst to her, I sat down today and ordered her a new and better shirt for the next outing.... Kids...ya just can't please 'em. hehehe