Ok, I was doing a nice, calm blog jog...
around my favorites when I encountered this written about (sorry for the redundancy) ONE OF MY FAVORITES, if only recently found, journalists... (I know this is a little late, but I have been working SUCH hours that the day off is what I need to catch up). As she is a big girl, I blah blah'd the parts that didn't pertain to me personally....but felt the need to <ahem> take up for myself....
"I came across this journal when my sister decided to total slam you for your views (let me apologize for her and the other nonbelievers)....blah blah blah....I am personally ashamed of my sister and all of her mindless followers and fear that she, as well as the others, will indeed burn in Hell for their ways and their misguidings. Anyone who doubts the consequences of sin, in particular homosexuality, needs only to pick up a little book call The Bible and give it a run through....blah blah blah...What a shame that they will undoubtedly influence countless others to the negative making our job as good christians that much more difficult...blah blah blah... Comment from edited out for author's sake - 6/27/04 9:38 PM"
Ok, first, I am not mindless...and certainly not a mindless follower---I choose those I follow carefully before going into my blind followship. You may only call me mindless if you know me and have made that decision by careful study...and some have, and i respect that---for they did the scientific study needed to make that educated decision. Second, I am not a non-believer. There is definitely a higher power at work in our lives...it is up to the individual to decide which higher power gives them guidance, comfort, solace, and peace of mind, and not for anyone else to condemn. I have given the Bible a "run-through", and found it one of many interesting religious readings. Last, I am not here to "influence countless others to the negative." What does that mean, anyway? Even if I could grow an itty bitty mustache I would not resemble Hitler, mainly because I am a round chick lacking the Moe-style haircut, and also becauseI respect the right each of us is given to make our own decisions. (Seeing that you worship the way you do----do you remember who it was in your bible that actually gave "free will" to all? Do you wish to go against his writings by taking it away from the multitudes?)
Now...last but not least....I also wrote this in the journal in which you commented:
Judgement is not for any of us (including you, mere human) to make. Remember that as you pray to your higher power tonight, and possibly ask for forgiveness for breaking his rules?
p/s---live and let live. c
Image title “Hypocrite” Unknown Artist